Spotting Fakes
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I like buying my bags with deep discounts. Places like eBay, online outlets and luxury outlets are my favorites. I’m sure it will be fun if I have an unlimited amount of money that I can buy any bag that my heart desire. However, there is no challenge in that. For me shopping is one way to relax and it is thrilling when I find a bargain. In my shopping experience, finding a bargain is not a piece of cake. It takes time and research. Obviously, I’m talking about designer’s kind of bargain.
A lot of people avoid buying designer bags on ebay because there are a lot of fake bags in there. I usually study my bags before I go and look for it on ebay. Here, I would like to help you to learn on how to spot fake bags. There are a lot of sites out there that can give you some pointers. However, I find most of them are too general and not as helpful. Fake designer bags are getting better as we speak, it is often hard to tell from just pictures. Hence, we need more detailed pointers to be able to distinguish them.
Right now, I am only posting the most widely faked designer bags, such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes, Balenciaga, and Coach. However, I am continuously researching and looking out for information on other popular brands.
I gathered pointers on how to spot fake bags from different websites and also from my own experience. I only put the information that I think are most useful.
Please report any counterfeit item on eBay HERE to protect other buyers from fraud. Let’s look out for each other and make our eBay shopping experience more pleasant.
I love your blog about spotting fake! Do have any experience in spotting fake Gucci bag?? I would love to know about that. Thanks!
This is a very useful thing to know! I would love any thoughts you have on how to spot a fake Carlos Falchi. I just bid on one on ebay – a pink clutch of alligator, snake and leather. It looks pretty in the pics, but I’m not very familiar with his bags and am not sure how to tell if it is real. Do you have any advice?
regarding the last post, this is teh bag if that’s at all helpful…
The clutch looks authentic. I would not worry about fake Carlos Falchi, since it is not one of the highly counterfeited brands. Good luck!
Good article! We all need to be on the lookout for fakes as they are often made under conditions that don’t meet basic health and safety. That’s not something we would wish to support!
what about Falchi butterfly/ buffalo bag?
I search the internet but can’t find how to authenticate it, only found one short general article about how to authenticate Falchi bag, and it’s vague, cause it says nothing really specific, yet I read on a forum, there are actually many Fake Falchi bags.
I hope one day you’ll write about how to authenticate Falchi, cause your articles really help a lot. Thanks.