When I went shopping on the weekend, I found the coolest black clutch. The brand is Michele. I’ve never heard of a Michele bag before. I know that they make watches but I did not know that they also make bags. I was trying to look for the clutch on their website but I couldn’t find it. It was probably last season’s collection, since it was on sale and it was the only one left.
What I like the most about this clutch is that it has handles that you can tuck in when you are not using them. I think it is a very convenient feature. The zip top is also a nice feature; it makes getting your stuff in and out of the clutch easier compared to a flap closure clutch. What’s more, the clutch is oversized (15.5″ x 9″) so I can carry all my necessities. Just in case you are wondering about the leather quality, it is soft and has a little bit of a sheen to it.
The retail price of this clutch is $395.99 but it was discounted to $98.97.