It’s funny that I have been obsessing about slouchy bags but whenever I’m buying a new bag I end up buying a structured bag. I think I have to buckle up and find the perfect slouchy bag. This Via Repubblica Suede Shopper looks very chic and youthful. I love the soft look of the suede. However, I tend to avoid suede bags because I’m afraid I will ruin it in no time.
This bag will be perfect for my suede trial, since it is not very expensive so I won’t cry when I accidentally ruin it. This bag comes in 4 colors: Camel, Moro (dark brown), Cenere (dusk blue), and Vino (shown). I honestly like them all, but I would probably choose the darker color for practical reasons. It also comes in a larger size that I’m sure would look great on taller girls.
Overall, I think this is a very stylish bag. Even so, I would like it even more if the zipper pull was made of a fine chain instead of studded leather. They would definitely fall nicer than than the suede zipper pull and would add a little bit of rock n roll flavor to the bag, would you agree?
Available at Nordstrom for $298